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SharePoint Tips & How Tos

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SharePoint XSL String Replacement Function
Using a custom XSL template with a Data View web part, a Lookup column in SharePoint which allows multiple selections can be used to replace ; with a new line and bullet. The following article describes how to use a custom XSL template in a Data View Web Part to create the equivalent to an XSL string replace function which then splits and formats the string of multiple selections, delimited with a semicolon (;).

(Looping) Timer Workflows Using SharePoint
How to configure a Workflow in SharePoint to monitor the date/time field of a list item and respond at a specific time. The article also explains how to configure a Looping Timer Workflow using SharePoint Designer which sends an email daily until a specific date, or condition is met.

SPD Workflow Issue Solved - List item not found error when finding item using metadata value
Use a SharePoint Designer workflow to test if any item in a list has a specific value for a field without the workflow stopping due to a List item not found error.

InfoPath Performance with SharePoint Data Connections
Tips for improving and InfoPath form performance when using data connections to SharePoint lists or libraries. Details include using custom views to limit the number of results retrieved by the data connection. Loading times for forms can be impacted significantly when a large number of data connections are being used that all connect to SharePoint lists and libraries.

InfoPath - CAML Date Time format in when submitting to a SharePoint list via a Web Service
Details, instructions and a function to convert date/time field values into ISO 8601 format when updating date/time fields in a SharePoint list using a CAML query from an InfoPath form.

InfoPath: Setup Namespaces for a Secondary Data Source
Article by Matt Faus: How to obtain and set up the namespace for a secondary data connection in an InfoPath form for access using code.

Allow Offline Use of a SharePoint List by Caching Locally
This article by Matt Faus demonstrates how to store the data from a secondary data connection in an InfoPath from, to allow offline access to the data. The example populates a dropdown list on the InfoPath form template with data from a SharePoint list.

Add SharePoint List Items with InfoPath form usng a CAML XML template
Article by Matt Faus: Add a SharePoint list item using a sites lists.asmx web service. A Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) query is created containing the information which will be mapped to metadata fields in the SharePoint list.

Integrate InfoPath Form with SharePoint Workflow

How to integrate InfoPath forms with workflow in SharePoint to give greater control over the functionality and user interface.

Split List View web part labels (javascript)
Split form item / column titles when creating, editing or viewing a SharePoint list item or survey. If question/column names are too big to fit in one line, this JavaScript function can be used to split the label/question, by adding a break tag.

MOSS 2007 - Create List Item using aspx query string
Create a SharePoint list item by passing meta data values to a .aspx page via a query string. The values from the query string are then taken and stored in a SharePoint list. The SharePoint site and list is also set using the query string.

SharePoint Designer (2007) - Run reports for all sites programmatically
Generate a list of all sites from a site collection then use the list to process reports on every site using SharePoint Designer 2007. A macro is used in SharePoint Designer to process a report for each site.

SharePoint Data View Conditional Formatting using SharePoint Designer
A tutorial for creating Data Views for a list in SharePoint that are formatted based on each item's meta data. This can be used to create views that visually represent task priority or due dates by setting font or table row background colors. SharePoint Designer conditional formatting is used to format items and backgrounds colors based on the length of time until due or the priority.

Categories > SharePoint > Tips and How Tos


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